Hot off the presses, Jessica Rath's review of ARATALAND!
"To say that Michael Arata is prolific is almost laughable. “Arataland!,” a retrospective of this Los Angeles-based artist, recently filled more than 20 rooms in the three-story Beacon Arts Building. Walking through hundreds of works, one could imagine that Arata has spent every night of his life furiously cranking work out, most often using sculpture as a way to insert himself into an existing political, religious, and art historical dialogue and interrupt our assumptions about it. Curated by artist and critic Doug Harvey, “Arataland!” was deftly organized into three floors: “It’s Complicatedland,” “Innocenceland,” and “Negativespaceland,” thus providing convenient theme parks in which our minds could play..."
See the entire review in the print version of July/August's (2012) Sculpture magazine.
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