Now there's a songfest waiting to happen! I actually met Jerry Lieber once, at what was perhaps the nadir of his career -- the 1983 premiere of his and Stoller's musical adaptation of Mordecai Richler's 'The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz' at the Citadel Theatre in Edmonton. I was a mere usher, and drunk to boot -- but I had been a little obsessed with these guys' songcraft, and had been mixing their stuff in with John Cage and Suicide on my Saturday night radio show at CJSR. I told them, and they were gracious, but plainly very anxious with the production at hand -- which in fact turned out to be disastrous, and one of the most legendary fiascos in Canadian theatre history. I think it was even called 'Duddy!'
Above Mordecai Richler
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