After showing P'fool in the AM and driving the 4 hours back from Lompoc the other Saturday, I had just enough time to unleash MA & the hounds and jump back in the car to get down to the Irvine Fine Arts Center to hand out the prizes for the IFAC All Media 2012 show, for which I was juror.

These kinds of shows are frequently disparaged in the upper echelons of TAW (The Art World) but I find them extremely interesting - not least for the evidence they provide of widespread and vigorous creative activity taking place beneath TAW's radar.
Honorable Mention: Joseph Van Hooten Fullerton/Wall Mixed Media (84 X 120!)
Honorable Mention: Jong Ro Bliss oil on canvas
Honorable Mention: Lisa Dallendorfer Staving Off Dementia Mixed Media (origami cubes from Sudoku games)
Honorable Mention: Byong-Ho Kim Tree Farm Photograph
LA gallerist/curator Carl Berg has returned to IFAC, where he worked for several years back in the day, and he's trying to establish the IFAC as a fulcrum for the LA and OC art communities - starting with the multi-curator extravaganza Curatorial Exchange, which opens Sept 8 and runs through Oct 20, and includes sections curated by yours truly, Micol Hebron, Roger Herman, Christopher Pate, Max Presneill, Laurie Steelink, Inmo Yuon, HK Zamani, and more!
Concurrent with the All Media 2012 - which closes Aug 25 - is a $99 fundraiser show with some awesome work. In spite of the fact that I've been living on credit since 2008, I scored this boss abstraction by Nancy Evans (above) and this watercolor monoprint of a pig in a wallow by Tanya Brodsky (below).
For what it's worth, I really like the Jung Ro "bliss" piece.
I thought that the completed Sudoku puzzles on faded news print of various shadings, the washers, loose strings and bamboo framing materials gave a very interesting and pleasing aesthetic that was all tied so elegantly together by its title in the piece called "Staving Off Dementia". A very fun and thoughtful piece of work.
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