Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Zen and the Art of Make-Believe: A Date with Mister Rogers

I figured since that documentary's all the rage (and my Post Office has sold out of his stamp TWICE) this was a good time to revive this Skipping Formalities column from 1998

So when I did a google search to see if I'd put it on my website yet, I found out it's been cited in two grown-up books about Mr. Rogers in the last couple of years. Cool! Can I have tenure now?

"As I was becoming a connoisseur of the subtleties of the goings-on in this filigreed anarchist utopia, I began paying more attention to the bracketing segments of each episode; the parts where Mr. Rogers actually appears, setting up the thematic pins for the puppets to knock down, then clearing them away afterwards. I noticed the non-linearity of his thoughts- “A dream of being with your mom on the beach can give you a warm feeling inside BUT a dream of a monster is just a thought in your head, and not real” A reassuringly logical sounding sentence, but with a strange subtext: you can choose your reality from what you can imagine. I found myself wishing I had been exposed to this kind of programming in my infancy: ‘You are special. There’s only one person in the world exactly like you. People can love you just the way you are.’ It surely beats the tape loops most of us inherit..."

from "Zen and the Art of Make-Believe: A Date with Mister Rogers" Art issues. 52


Unknown said...

This is a very cool and funny to see Mr.Rogers flicking people off, I grew up watching Mr.Rogers and every message that he would show us is very heart warming very true.

Unknown said...

Very cool to see Mr.Rogers doing this. You wouldnt imagine him flicking people off and that kinda crazy.