Greetings everyone. Apologies for lack of posts but I've been swamped with various projects ranging from curating the Tubular! show at the Pacific Design Center to a lengthy (double what I thought when I finished it the first time) essay on the films of Marnie Weber, some forthcoming LA WEEKLY columns, editing an anthology of Patacritical Interrogation Techniques for AC Institute, remastering The Charles Ray Experience's Hooked on Dialectics for release on Pleonasm Music, a Mannlicher Carcano/Flugeldar! gig at the Echo Curio supporting John Kilduff, and a visit from my sister and niece. Mostly though I've been knocked flat with a wicked upper respiratory flu: rattling with pneumonia, hawkin' up the fluorescent green quarter-pounders, and hallucinating with fever. How did you spend your Spring Break?
I hope to post on all the above topics shortly, but in the meantime, here are a couple of Tubular! images. Above is a view through the front window during the opening performance -- Eamonn Fox and Patrick Ballard inside a giant gold paper-mâché ball, gradually drinking a case of beer, punching holes in the ball from inside, then stripping off their clothes to plug the holes. When they were completely naked, they smashed out of the gold egg and wandered off into the history books. I actually missed the hatching because I was at an adjacent opening, witnessing Roger Herman giving the Hitlergruß and yelling "Sieg Heil!" at the PDC security guards. Twas a night to remember. If anyone got stills or video of either performance, please contact me. Below, Fox's Burlington Coat Factory painting.

Tubular! continues through May 7 in Suite B239 at Pacific Design Center, 8687 Melrose Ave. in West Hollywood. NOTE: The PDC is only open M-F 9-5!
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