The 4th annual
Soundwalk was held in downtown Long Beach last weekend, organized by the artist collective FLOOD. It was great to see such a complex event being pulled together with almost no money, and so many different people checking out experimental music and sound art. There were something like 50 artists providing performances, installations, sound sculptures, etc. spread over 4 blocks. I did a few recording tours and edited together a
13-minute virtual experience.To the best of my ability I've figured out who made what sounds on here - anyone with further info or corrections please share it in a comment. Sorry for the crappy sound. But I dig crappy sound.
1. Midnight Gardeners' lovely drones in the Dome Room of the Lafayette (pictured above)
2. Unidentified (and unseen) blues guitarist on corner of Linden & Broadway
3. Doug Pearsall's funk on the opposite corner
4. Lewis Keller's robot drumming orchestra in a vacant storefront
Daniel Corral's amazing meta-musicboxes in the Lafayette kitchen
6. Robert Strong's mutant kettle drum in another room of the Lafayette kitchen
7. Miha Ciglar's video feedback sound in the Dome Room
8. Adam Overton's touch-activated human ensemble on Koo's stage
9. Christiaan Cruz's shrubbery shrouded installation - I didn't get a chance to inspect it closely but I liked the racket.
10. Mike Chang & Allie Bogle's open access FOR SALE piano in a flowershop entrance and unidentified roving horn ensemble
11. MLuM's fig leaf & veil extravaganza in the Cooper Arms
12. Gary Raymond's very popular feedback delay shipping crate on the corner of Linden & First
13. Markle & Strauss's ouija board electronics in the back of an art gallery
14. Fluorescent Grey's dense loopy collage in the Dome Room
Mannlicher Carcano's dense loopy collage in the Dome Room (with live cell-phone air couple from Canada)
16. Tom Skelly's random recombinant sampledelic jukebox on the street in front of the Best Western.
Tom Skelly (pictured below) creates an awesome live sound collage radio program every Sunday from 7 - 10 at
www.kspc.org when not bringing art to the prisons.