Here's the back side of one of the five sculptural components of my piece "Out/In," created for Jan Tumlir's 'White Album' show at Shoshona Wayne in 2000, and resurrected for this show opening this Thursday March 15th at West LA College:
A Warning Shouldn't Be Pleasant
March 15 - May 11, 2007
9000 Overland Ave., Culver City, CA 90230
Opening Celebration: Thursday, March 15, 2007, 6-9pm
with a musical performance by Wreck of the Zephyr
HIGH ENERGY CONSTRUCTS is proud to present its second off-site project, A Warning Shouldn't Be Pleasant – a group exhibition of 23 California-based artists' responsiveness to the end of the world. The exhibition takes its title from an essay by the poet Alice Notley. Like Notely's subtly brash warning, the selected artists playfully and irreverently examine notions of apocalypse with hope and abandonment. Offering conceptually and metaphorically
uncanny responses to a somewhat melancholic world-view-notion through a various range of media and visual languages, A Warning Shouldn't Be Pleasant aims at evoking a series of mercurial and illuminating narratives amongst artworks, which address, embody, and explore this very current and somewhat timelessly elusive and incalculable theme. Revealing connections to belief, doubt, and politics, the artworks here hope to contribute to a larger more realistic conversation that seems to not be happening loudly nor clearly enough, concerning and/or in response to current global obsessions with cultural stasis and battle.
Featured artists include: Jimmy Chertkow, Marcus Civin, Christian Cummings and Michael Decker, Todd Davis, Julie Dermansky, Nicholas Grider, Mark Hagen, Kent Hammond, Jeremiah Harrison, Doug Harvey, Marc Herbst, Gregory Michael Hernandez, Peter Herrmann, August Highland, Candice Lin, Jay Lizo, Katrin Jurati, Caroline Rankin, Greg Santos, Michael Smoler, David E. Stone, and Megan Whitmarsh.
March 15 – May 11, 2007
Gallery hours: Monday - Friday, 10am-4pm
9000 Overland Ave., Culver City, CA 90230
Official Map & DirectionsUnofficial directions:
get yrself to Culver City off the 10 west or something...exit at Overland...
the campus is on Overland just past Jefferson...
once you turn into the campus, take yr second right (Albert Vera Street) and follow it up to parking lot B...take a right into parking lot B and across the way is the FAC...
the gallery is in the Fine Arts Complex...
for more information email: info@highenergyconstructs.com or call 323.227.7920