Here are a couple of shots from my most recent film shoot -- Cecil B. Shantibugian's "Mimesis" -- in which I play the role of George Washington. Things were fine until they shut down the jukebox and wouldn't give me back my dollar. Whose face is on it anyway? Motherfuckers. Photos by James Chertkow, M.Ed.

"Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. It does little to enhance your calm."
G. Washington
Why Mr. Harvey, you certainly cut a dashing figure in your eighteenth-century togs! Suddenly I feel a trifle breathless...
Jackie Pepper
Everyone in Calgary thinks you look more like Napoleon than George Washington. I keep trying to explain that you're six-three non metric but I just keep getting blank looks. Dad wants his hat back...
Please consider dressing this way all the time. You'll get more respect at the Trader Joes.
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