
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

888 Fireworks 888

Fireworks performed another impressively extemporaneous set this last Friday at High Energy Constructs, ably supported by The Bushes, Falcon Eddy, and Wounded Lion. A digital recording was made, but the device was set for the lowest-quality "dictation" mode, and the results are reminiscent of a poor-quality cassette bootleg from the 70s. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing - Wounded Lion comes through particularly well. We'll look into sharing the roughest version of "Carol Cloud" ever. In the meantime, here's Firework's radical new arrangement of their classic "Grammar School Teacher" made even more abstract by the unplanned lo-tech processing.


  1. Dear Herr Dough, We are very glad and astounded that you are relentlessly oon the "go".

    Hectorisimo esq. and The Lovely and Talented Karen A. Justl were waxing poetic over greasy burgers at the Empire Cafe about the Student Boleshevik Revolution and The Illustrious West Coast Palm Tree Days.
    Keep up the good work,


  2. Yow, Doug Harvey's Sharon Stone moment. Hope the folks at Coagula (Caligula?) don't get wind of this.

  3. Ha! I tried photoshopping some exploding fireworks into that black void but it looked too *dimensional* when I shrank it back up. But thanks for noticing!
