
Sunday, April 28, 2013


Finally got around to watching Lindsay Anderson's 1967 short The White Bus, which - informed by his background in industrial PR documentaries - is kind of like Magical Mystery Tour if it had been made by Throbbing Gristle. It's just one of 80+ films on my streaming queue that are suddenly scheduled to disappear on Mayday - including Kubrick's sumptuous noir Killer's Kiss, Altman's early JD B-flick The Delinquents (starring Tom "Billy Jack" Laughlin), Ken Loach's Kes, Richard Lester and Spike Milligan's The Bed-Sitting Room, Billy Wilder's One, Two Three, and Peter Brook's Marat/Sade -- as well as such less widely celebrated celluloid artifacts as Alan Johnson's Solarbabies (one of the finest post-apocalyptic rollerblade movies in the canon), William Dear's Timerider: The Adventure of Lyle Swann, Denis Sanders' Invasion of the Bee Girls, and Philip Kaufman's debut Fearless Frank - a high-camp 1967 Jon Voight superhero vehicle narrated by Ken Nordine! I'll have to burn the midnight crackpipe to plow through all this material by Wednesday, but luckily the whippets are all tuckered out from their triumphant visit to Eugene. More on that later...

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Happy Stump

Street art the way I like it best, Sunset Blvd above Glendale, April 2011.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Pitta in the 'pITA

The highlight of the San Francisco launch event for 'patacritical Interrogation Techniques Anthology Volume 3 at ATA/Other Cinema (Craig Baldwin's 28-year-old underground microcinema) was undoubtedly Pitta of the Mind (Maw Win & Amar Chaudhary) translating found email spam poetry from the turn of the Millennium into swinging intergalactic electro-transmissions. I made a video, so hopefully that will find its way online soon, but in the emantime, here's a couple of action shots, and a sampling of the spoems:
bodhisattva cohomology

Any dahlia can brainwash short order cook of, but it takes a real lover to for lover.Any trombone can approach fundraiser toward, but it takes a real guardian angel to traffic light of cleavage.piroshki remain sprightly.

lower adult drum electrophoresis

              - Essie Russell

earring 6 alchemists

Sometimes tornado about flies into a rage, but inside grizzly bear always learn a hard lesson from cream puff defined by!Most swamps believe that from fruit cake graduate from around scythe.And derive perverse satisfaction from the dark side of her scythe.

giuliano liable spine pullman devious symbolic groom atkins

            -     Colleen Hunter

cab driver 666 cream puffs

Indeed, toothache about require assistance from polar bear of reactor.Most cigars believe that grizzly bear from pour freezing cold water on bottle of beer defined by skyscraper.globule defined by toothache is frozen.

propagate inholding dactylic ballast riotous deuce bad

             -     Simone Boudreaux

decor briar drawl

Unlike so many boys who have made their niggardly roller coaster to us.Unlike so many cups who have made their cosmopolitan reactor to us.bottle of beer around is ghastly.Where we can ostensibly mourn our nation.For example, living with chestnut indicates that class action suit living with organize recliner around dilettante.
sheridan factual folklore mammalian moorish halfhearted carte

               -     Tommie Esposito

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Monday, April 1, 2013

Art Art of the City, Art Art Oh yeah!

I'm lookin' lookin' lookin'! The April 2013 issue of Los Angeles Magazine includes a brief and by any measure incomplete overview of the LA Art Scene (check the lower right hand corner of the cover above), but I got to write about a few people I haven't written about often enough, like Nancy Evans, Juan Capistran, Brenna Youngblood, Jennifer Bolande, and Devin McNulty (!), plus a few - Jim Shaw, Jeffrey Vallance, Marnie Weber, etc. - about whom I've written plenty (and will continue to do so). Anyway, it's on the stands now at the low, low cover price of $4.95 and there doesn't seem to be any of the content online except this calendar of coming activities (It's Time to Canvas the City!) which I apparently blogged a few days ago! There's a few other recent writings I need to post about here, hang on...